Return Policy
If you decide that an item isn't the right fit for you, you will have 14 days after the original shipment date to request a return. You will be responsible for the shipping cost back to us. Please send us an email at to start the process.
We must receive a tracking number confirming the shipment of the return within 30 days of the original shipment date. All items must be returned in the same condition as sold. If there is significant wear or the tags have been removed from a new item, we have the right to refund only 50% of the original cost of the item.
We do not do returns on the following items:
- Swimwear
- Cosmetics
- New with tag items (if tags have been removed)
- Handbags/Purses and Wallets
We pride ourselves in having authentic, high quality products so we expect returns to be in the same condition as received.
Returns will be processed between 1-3 business days after receiving the product, not including the original shipping charge. Expect to be charged a 5% restocking fee that will be processed at the same time as the return.